
PALTEM (High Performance Products Business Division)

PALTEM Techniques


The liner is drawn into an existing culvert via a manhole, then inflated and heated using air and steam to form a new, independent pipe. This new, hardened pipe boasts superb durability and chemical resistance, as well as level 2 earthquake resistance. Suitable for pipes up to 800 mm in diameter, the SZ-liner offers shorter rehabilitation times through a simpler installation process. Installation of the SH type results in less industrial waste, and it has been widely adopted throughout Japan.


For inquiries regarding our products:

    • OSAKAPALTEM Sales Dept.
    • 06-6459-6061
    • 06-6459-6111
    • TOKYOPALTEM Sales Dept.
    • 03-5823-3042
    • 03-5823-3046

For inquiries via email: